context – you are here podcast

Show notes

The methods & structures of this episode
I'm using & adapting Liberating Structures and Liberating Structures in development which are designed to include and unleash everyone. Usually they'll be used in group settings, I'm adapting them for solo workshops. If you're interested in Liberating Structures, definitely check out the website and the community to learn more -- it's

We are starting off with a little journaling that's loosely aiming at what the X by N structure in development invites you to do: to collect as many answers as possible.
The one with the blue and red pen is another loose adaptation, inspiration came from the Tiny Demons structure in development. Here, usually, two people are acting as your pixies, commenting on an aspiration you might have.
The What, So What, Now What is a Liberating Structure you can find at You can use it to help groups go a little slower in finding next steps, but it's super useful for structuring yourself too!
And the 15% Solution at the end is another structure you can find at It's amazing to use in workshops, where a group often looks at a pile of learnings, but struggles to put anything into action -- it's just too much! In comes the 15% lens, enabling teams and individuals to focus on what they can do incrementally, as a first step.

Who & why
I'm Anja, a workshop facilitator currently based in Cologne, Germany. Best way to connect and see what else I'm up to is probably LinkedIn

For each episode I will post a bunch of visuals you might find useful for sharing it with your network. For now, this is a lovely side project for me, you don't have to share or pay anything, but of course it's fun to see what resonated with people. Here's the Instagram account:

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