abilities & talents – you are here podcast

Show notes

The methods & structures of this episode
I'm using & adapting Liberating Structures which are designed to include and unleash everyone. Usually they'll be used in group settings, I'm adapting them for solo workshops. If you're interested in Liberating Structures, definitely check out the website and the community to learn more -- it's https://www.liberatingstructures.com/

I'm using the Spiral Journal, a structure in development that's not yet on the website. You can use this in group situations too, to invite people to reflect on a topic individually.

Then I've used X by N writing, also a structure in development. I've had another structure in mind while designing, which is Appreciative Interviews. This one you can find here: https://www.liberatingstructures.com/5-appreciative-interviews-ai/ This is a fantastic structure to find out what it is that led to a success.

Another structure that also is still in development was the Super Power Stroll. There's a ton of other ideas working with the super hero, super power concept.

And finally the 15% Solutions, https://www.liberatingstructures.com/7-15-solutions/ which focuses on things that an individual or group can do right away without needing anything from the outside. It's a good way to end a group discussion or really any kind of planning exercise that often leave us with too many loose ends and make it hard to feel progress. I'm mentioning the research by Prof. Gareth Morgan, you can probably find more online but here's the original paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266795502_Morgan_G_and_Zohar_A_1998_The_15_approach_quantum_change_incrementally_Holland_Management_Review_53_pp_14-25

Who & why
I'm Anja, a workshop facilitator currently based in Cologne, Germany. Best way to connect and see what else I'm up to is probably LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anjakaessner/

Sharing & more
You can find a bit more on this project and the episodes on my website: https://www.workshopmacher.de/youarehere

For each episode I will post a bunch of visuals you might find useful for sharing it with your network. For now, this is a lovely side project for me, you don't have to share or pay anything, but of course it's fun to see what resonated with people. Here's the Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/youareherepodcast/

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